




激光加工技术作为重要的先进制造技术之一已广泛应用于众多的工业制造领域。利用激光直写技术进行加工时,其所能达到的加工分辨率一直受到经典光学理论衍射极限的限制,难于进行纳米尺度的加工。飞秒脉冲激光的出现不仅为研究光与物质相互作用的超快过程提供了手段,也为发展先进的微纳米加工技术提供了不可多得的光源。作为最新的激光加工技术之一的多光子超衍射纳米加工技术利用非线性光学效应之一的多光子效应与激光与物质作用的阈值效应,成功地实现了纳米尺度的激光直写光刻分辨率,已成为目前国际上研究热点之一。利用多光子超衍射纳米加工技术所具有高精度、良好的空间分辨率和真三维加工能力的特点,已制备出了各种微尺度光子学器件及微机电系统,充分展示了该技术的应用前景,可望在功能性微纳器件制备等纳米技术领域发挥重要作用。本报告将讨论多光子技术这一非线性纳米光刻原理、最新技术进展及其在微纳器件制备中的应用。 Laser fabrication technology has been widely applied in industry as one of important manufacturing technologies. However, the fabrication resolution has been restricted due to the optical diffraction limitation during the laser direct writing. Thus, it is a challenge to realize the structures at nanometric scale. Femtosecond laser not only provides a powerful tool for investigating the interaction been light and matter, but also provides the light source for micro/nano fabrication. Multiphoton nanofabrication technique has emerged as the promising research field due to the multiphoton effect based on nonlinear optical effect and the threshold effect owing to the interaction between the laser beam and matter. Considering the advantages of high resolution, spatial resolution and real 3D fabrication capability, the multiphoton nanofabrication technique has been employed in the fabrication of various micrometer optical devices and MEMS. This would provide high potential applications in more functional micro/nano devices. In this talk, the principle, new development of multiphoton nanofabrication technique and the application in achieving micro/nano devices will be addressed.


中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院 研究员,主任


Xuan-Ming Duan, Prof.. He was selected by One Hundred Overseas Talent Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the deputy director of Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology and director of Robotics and 3D printing technology innovation center in Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He achieved his Doctoral Degree from Tohoku University. Current research interest is laser micro/nanostructures fabrication technology, high resolution 3D printing technology and application, and composite manufacturing technology. He has performed more than 20 projects including Principle Investigator of one 973 Project and one research and development project. He has applied over 60 patents in Japan, USA, Europe, and China, published over 150 peer-reviewed papers (cited over 2000 times) and presented over 50 invited talks.


